Monday, February 18, 2008

Stuff I didn't see in Las Vegas

When I was a kid, say it might have been the early Pleistocene Era, we used to make toy phones out of 'tin' (really aluminum) cans by tying two of them together on a string. Maybe that's where Nokia got the inspiration for this: a 'remade' cell phone that's made entirely out of recycled materials, including aluminum 'upcycled' from used beverage cans. I'd bet they were thinking more about the future than the past. Thinking towards a time when it will matter what materials go into ubiquitous accessories like cell phones and when it will matter how these things are disposed of, and the impact of all that on things like, uh, climate change. Wait a minute. That's not the future at all. That's now.
Way to go, Nokia. And if you're looking for somebody to help you with the process of 'upcycling' used aluminum beverage containers, I can point you in the right direction.

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